Phase II Available October 23rd.
Is your small business impacted by the COVID-19 situation? The Daviess County Small Business Relief Program is now available.
Made possible by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA), the Daviess County program is intended to provide working capital to Daviess County businesses, assist businesses to remain operational during the COVID-19 economic downturn, and support remote work for businesses that are following the Governor’s Back on Track Indiana Plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Eligible businesses may request up to $5,000 in funding. To apply for funding, two steps must be completed: a formal application must be completed and submitted online and an intake form for every employee in the business must be completed and sent to SIDC. SIDC will continue to take applications as long as funding is available. This is on a first come, first serve basis.
Click here to access the online form.
Click here to download the intake form
(that must be completed for every employee)
Is your small business eligible? Applicants must be a for-profit, established business in Daviess County with 30 employees or less (excluding franchisees). Must be able to demonstrate that 1) funds will be used to retain jobs of which a majority are held or available to Low- to Moderate-Income individuals; 2) funds will be used for working capital, operational expenses, and/or to support remote work for businesses during the COVID-19 economic downturn; 3) Funds must be used to retain permanent jobs of which at least 51% are held or would be made available to LMI (Low- and Moderate-income Persons or Households) persons.
After the online application is completed, download the COVID-19 Assistance Intake Form and complete. As stated in the application form, you will need to fill out an intake form for every retained employee. Completed intake forms should be emailed to
What will happen to my application? Applications will be reviewed by an Advisory Review Committee consisting of representatives from the Daviess County Commissioners, the County Council, the Daviess County EDC, and the Daviess County Chamber & Visitors Bureau. Recommendations will then be made to OCRA who will determine final eligibility. If funds remain after the first round of applications, subsequent rounds will be opened up until the funding is exhausted.
Please remember that completed intake forms must be submitted for every employee in the applying business for the application to be considered.
Questions? Contact Rhonda Rumble at or Bryant Niehoff at
The application deadline for the Small Business Relief Program has been extended and is on a first come, first serve basis while funding is available.
Sign up today.